New Music Director – Rebecca Rodgers
About North Dublin Singers:
The North Dublin Singers (NDS) are a choir based in the Parish hall of the Church of the Nativity, Beaumont. Established in October 2015 and now under the new direction of Irish Soprano, Rebecca Rodgers, NDS sing a range of styles from pop / gospel / soul / rock / reggae and more in 3/4 part harmony. The group regularly performs at local community events. NDS has raised funds for Pieta House, the Irish Cancer Society, Heart Children Ireland, North Dublin SPCA, Music Matters inclusive community choirs and more.
North Dublin Singers on Near FM:
To join the choir:

NDS singing to raise money for Music Matters, June 2016
You do not need to be able to read music to join NDS; all parts are taught by ear and recorded for practice at home. If you would like to sing in a supportive and fun environment with a group of hard working and enthusiastic singers, e-mail info@northdublinsingers.com or Call 0879590527